EDC means Everyday Carry. It's everything you carry on the daily and it's up to you what that is. We think EDC needs to be purposeful and top quality - and most of all, to bring joy for the day.

Key Holders Bottles & Cups Organization Tools Flashlights Knives Lanyards & Beads  Combs & Care Hanks Games & Fidget Toys  Other Gear 
  • Schlüssel-Organizer

    Bringen Sie Ordnung in Ihr Schlüsselchaos mit einem praktischen Schlüsselhalter, der nicht nur gut funktioniert, sondern auch noch gut aussieht.

  • Wasserflaschen & Tassen

    Trinken Sie ausreichend über den Tag verteilt, wann und wo Sie wollen, mit einer qualitativ hochwertigen wiederverwendbaren Wasserflasche, die Ihnen Jahr für Jahr gute Dienste leisten wird.

  • Organisation

    Das Tragen, Schützen und Organisieren deiner EDC-Ausrüstung ist essenziell für einen reibungslosen Tag. Organisatoren für Taschenwerkzeuge, Kits für Technik und Taschen & Kapseln für Kleinteile.

  • Werkzeuge

    As the saying goes, the best tool is what you have on. These EDC pocket tools let you tackle the expected and unexpected on the daily, always ready when it's time for business.

  • Taschenlampen

    Whether it's the power going out, looking for stuff under the bed, or navigating the unknown, having a small flashlight as a part of your EDC makes all the difference.

  • Messer

    A high-quality pocket knife is an EDC staple. There is something reassuring to have a well-made tool for opening boxes and outdoor adventures. Beautiful design and addictive action are always a good bonus.

  • Lanyards & Beads

    Lanyards and beads are great for customizing and improving the usability of your EDC gear.

  • Kämme & Care

    Pocket-sized and portable items for personal care, helping you to look sharp in all situations.

  • Hanks

    A handkerchief is a fantastic detail in a gentleman's EDC setup. It can be used for cleaning the screen, shining up your gear, or providing a safe surface for them.

  • Spiele & Fidget Toys

    You never know when boredom hits or when you need to focus extra hard. Playing cards, fidget toys and worry stones and coins are easy to carry around and use whenever.