FlatPak™ - Saippuakotelo

15,90 €
60 päivän
ilm. palautus

Siistiä ja kuivaa saippuapalan kantoa

FlatPak™ -saippuakotelo on suunniteltu ultrakevyeen ja minimalistiseen matkustukseen. Se on 3 x kevyempi ja 6 x kompaktimpi kuin tavallinen muovikotelo. Valmistettu Welded Cordura® -materiaalista Dry-Through™ -teknologialla. Vedenkestävä materiaali antaa kosteuden haihtua kankaan läpi, joten saippuapala kuivuu ja estää sen liiallisen pehmenemisen. Rolltop-sulkimen sivusoljen avulla kotelon voi kiinnittää mihin tahansa. Kotelon  koko on säädettävissä saippuapalan koon mukaan. Vestitiivis, puhdas, helppokäyttöinen ja TSA-hyväksytty.

  • Vedenkestävä
  • Saippuapala ei pehmene
  • Säädettävä koko

* 3 x kevyempi ja 6 x kompaktimpi verrattuna useimpiin 30 g saippuapalalle suunniteltuihin koteloihin.


  • Materiaali
    Welded Cordura® + Dry-Through™
  • Takuu
    1 vuosi
  • Paino
    11 g
Matador FlatPak™ Series

Osa mallistoa:

Matador FlatPak™ Series

Kevyet ratkaisut saippuan, shampoon ja muiden hygieniatarvikkeiden pakkaamiseen.

Customer Reviews

Based on 64 reviews
João M. (Guimarães, PT)
Incredible product!

This is my second time buying this product (I've lost the other). This works perfectly. The soap dries inside the case without leaking and doesn't let water in. It's compact and easy to store and clean.

G.M. (Paris, FR)
Excellent concept

I wish I had this before in previous trips. It's not very big tough, if you want to roll it 3 times as recommended.

Nikolaj P. (Vienna, AT)
Awesome soap bag

Very nice pack. The soap dries inside without dripping. It does naturally stick a little to the pack after it dries however that is just a minor inconvenience. It is large enough for most soap bars. All in all an awesome and practical soap pack.

Kai S. (Helsinki, FI)
It actually works as promised

Wanted something to store a bar soap in, and carry it to pool with.

This does just that and unlike the plastic or aluminium cases I've used before, doesn't leave the soap mushy afterwards. Will keep water out and dry the soap afterwards.

The pouch is light, easy to use and store yet quite sturdy. So far with about a month or so of use, I have nothing but good to say about it.

Well, if one really wants to find something to improve, then the pouch is slightly on the smaller size.

Means that the round soap I use doesn't want to quite fit when new, the pouch is obviously designed for a rectangular bar of soap.

Also the clasp could be magnetic or simply slightly bigger. Would be easier to use when hands are soapy. (Mostly when you've gotten the soap bar out, and are trying to clasp the bag closed so that the pouch can be hung up.

With this short a list of potential future upgrades, excellent quality and reasonable price I can only recommend it.

Brilliant product.

Patrick M.
Very convenient

Easy to use
Keeps your toiletry bag dry
Very nice and hygenic

Bahar (Helsinki, FI)
Tekee sen mitä pitää

Säilytän yhdessä näistä pientä kividödöä, toisessa hammastahnatabletteja. Pitää kosteuden poissa ulkopuolelta ja toisinpäin, en kadu ostosta.

George (Athens, GR)
Nice but small

Good product but should have been a little bit larger

Solved a problem

I use it for my solid hair shampoo. It solved one of the biggest problems I had when I was traveling, camping. I can carry solid soap with me everywhere without worrying about it. It's pretty cool, it's pretty sturdy and it has a good design.

Maniquet R. (Diegem, BE)
superbe quality, very light material

Superb quality and very light material.

Stefan (Bucharest, RO)
Surprising product

Really did not expect to keep dry, but here we are. Interesting tech, soap dries without issues, no leaks, and the whole thing smells great.


Pieneen tilaan pakkautuvat matkustustarvikkeet

Matadorin missiona on suunnitella parhaat mahdolliset pieneen tilaan pakkautuvat tarvikkeet. Kaikki perustuu intohimoon matkustusta, seikkailuja ja luontoa kohtaan.

Olemme kaikkien edustamiemme merkkien valtuutettu myyjä ja takaamme jokaisen tuotteen aitouden.