it is super light, and has the best carry comfort I have ever had in any of my bags.
shoulder straps may give you rashes if they have direct contact with your skin, and they got wet fast either because of your own sweat, or some mid-rain. in summer, it may feel somehow uncomfortable, depending on the fabric of your clothes. shoulder foams are getting wet, and staying wet for a while, they are not drying fast, imagine staying with wet shoulder straps after a short summer rain!
overall structure is an issue, even tho it sometimes stays on its own, usually the bag falls down - in modular packing! because the materials are really lightweight, you may feel like your stuff is moving around all the time inside.
side pocket is an overkill, I hate that pocket. it's really useless. I carry my keys with ILE key holster on my belt. I don't think carrying your keys inside a backpack makes any sense. and my phone is on the shoulder pocket, so I use that pocket only for pocket tissues! I mean... I hope they won't include it in the 3rd version if there's going to be one.
I love the secret pocket inside. I keep my passport, and an SAS survival guide mini edition there. it's very useful in that sense.
not a fan of the stretch divider on the inside.
fabric gets dirty easy, and keeps some of the dirt marks. I actually like it, it gives the feeling of aging, and gives it a character. because the bag falls down often, it gets dirty very often!
if you load the top pocket a bit too much, even with lightweight items, it becomes an issue when opening the main zipper because of the opening angle. I think it should have been a clamshell opening, and this is the biggest issue I have seen in this bag for now. I hope they would make a clamshell opening in the 3rd version, and it would solve this issue finally!
carrying two water bottles is an issue. I don't like having a water bottle on the inner side pocket, and I use it for my light tech pouch. in general the bag is for one person, if you have a kid/or kids it's not so practical, but still usable.
I have also tested it on during cycling, and it was a bit too big for that, but still lightweight, so it makes it possible. all my cycling friends said my backpack is too big! so, here's your review about that.
well I was actually planning to give it a one star, and then I raised it to three, and then to four :) because it has a great design, very sexy look, and has the best carry comfort I have ever experienced! the rest is just personal preferences.
when you think about it, it's an awesome bag. I have a love & hate relationship with it. size is good enough to go on a weekend get away, but usually it's not %100 practical for modular packing. if they can change the interior fabric with something not so slippery, and still be able to keep the bag lightweight? I don't know if that's possible. and, the clamshell opening for the main compartment is a must!