X-PAK™ EVO Sling Pack - Laukku

279,00 €
60 päivän
ilm. palautus

Uniikki pystysuora roll-top -design

X-PAK on monikäyttöinen laukku aktiiviseen päivään. Se on jalostettu klassisesta messenger-laukusta nykyajan tarpeisiin ja laukussa yhdistyykin laadukkaat materiaalit, osat ja huolellinen valmistus. Uniikki pystysuora roll-top -design näyttää hienolta ja käyttö on sujuvaa.

Tämä on uusin X-PAK Evo -versio, joka on yhteensopiva lisätarvikkeiden kuten Annex Laptop Case -kotelon ja Harness Kit -reppuhihnojen kanssa (myytävänä erikseen, lue lisää alta).


  • Hihnassa magneettinen, itsestään sulkeutuva pikasolki
  • Yhteensopiva tarvikkeiden kanssa (Annex Laptop Case, Harness Kit)
  • Hihnassa pieni tasku korteille
  • Takana kaksi vetoketjullista piilotaskua
  • Vetoketjullinen pikatasku edessä
  • Kolme vetoketjullista pikataskua
  • Monikäyttöiset kiinnityskohdat
  • Laajentuva joustava vesipullotasku
  • Piilotettava olkahihna
  • Irroitettavat kiristyshihnat ja kantokahva
  • Irroitettava rintahihna
  • D-lenkki (olkahihnassa ja pullotaskussa)


  • Pehmustettu paikka max 13" kannettavalle
  • Vetoketjullinen verkkotasku
  • Avoverkkotaskut
  • Tasku velcro-sulkimella
  • Pieni avotasku
  • Kynänpidikkeet
  • Avainlenkki
  • Uusi orange camo -sisävuoraus


  • Kannettavan paikka
  • Materiaali
    Vedenkestävä X-Pac -kangas, Cordura-nylon
  • Koko
    44,5 × 25 × 10-27 cm
  • Tilavuus
    11-23 L

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Lény (Paris, FR)

I am a home nurse in Lyon (France). I ride 60km a day by bike for my work. And this bag is my new companion: I can put my rain stuff, my work equipment, my water bottle while being super comfortable and very stylish..... THANK YOU

Tim (Oosterhout, NL)
Love it

I have recently bought this bag, after having thought about it for months. It does not disappoint! Personally I love the organization, but it needs a few days getting used to. I use this sling for work, and it fits all my books and a laptop.

Since I got it I haven’t used one of my other bags yet!

Carmela (Rome, IT)
laptop computer padding

excellent assistance, shipping, and everything else.
But the bag lacks side padding to protect the laptop computer

Marco (Bålsta, SE)
Good stuff

It's very solidly built. Bit of a learning curve with how to use it but it's very good and spacious. You just have to have a good memory and know on which side you stuffed what.

Simon (Blackwood, GB)
Gloriously overbuilt

Like most Code of Bell bags it has a learning curve on how you'll use it. Won't be for everyone but it's built to last and flexible.

Lukas (Frankfurt am Main, DE)
Great Bag

Great Bag. Fast delivery. Mukama rocks!

Steven (Uden, NL)
Great backpack with lots of space

Great backpack with lots of space. The bag has ton of pockets, maybe even a bit to many.
All the pockets can be a bit confusing when looking for something.

A few downsides i feel the bag has are:
- the shoulder strap. Even with the additional strap i feel that the bag sags down a bit when loaded to heavy (i use it for work). It's not uncomfortable but it doesn't sit probably unless the strap isn't fastened very tight.

- the zippers for the side pockets. They close downwards which isn't bad but when holding the bag upright it seems illogical as stuff may fall out when zipping up to open it.

D R.
Best sling bag ever

This bag is very adaptable. When not full it condenses to a reasonable size but is ready to expand when necessary.

Bagge (Kristianstad, SE)

My new edc! I even took it abroad for a weekend trip, flawless. This has to be one of the best bags out there! It even gives my forge max a run for its money.

Martin (Ludvika, SE)
My daily friend!

This sling bag is more than your average bag. It keeps your work (and some of your life even) organized.

You learn where each thing goes and you access it without having to open the whole bag all the time.

Sits nicely on the back (I don't use the extra strap to secure it, no need) or in my hand via the handle I put on the top of the bag. Great combo.

Materials, zippers and overall feel is great.

Simply put:
A high quality expandable bag with great design and features. If you like a tight package where everything has its place, this one is for you. Not the cheapest but in the long run a friend for life.

Code Of Bell

Modern Ways to Carry

Code of Bell luo aidosti päivittäin käytettäviä laukkuja, jotka toimivat tavallaan kuin puettavina taskuina. Yhden hihnan design mahdollistaa helpon käytön ilman että laukkua täytyy ottaa kokonaan pois. Optimoitu nykyaikaiseen päivittäiseen käyttöon.

Olemme kaikkien edustamiemme merkkien valtuutettu myyjä ja takaamme jokaisen tuotteen aitouden.