A10 Adapt Single Pocket - Lompakko

119,00 €
60 päivän
ilm. palautus

A10 Adapt -lompakko (Slate Grey) + Single Pocket -adapteri

A10 Adapt Single Pocket -lompakko koostuu A10 Adapt (Slate Grey) -lompakosta sekä Single Pocket -adapterista. Adapterin avulla saat pidettyä lompakossa kolmea lisäkorttia vaivatta. Se on valmistettu lujatekoisesta DTEX-materiaalista, joka on vedenkestävää ja helppo puhdistaa. Tuntuma on mukava ja se muotoutuu menoosi.

A10 Adapt -lompakko

A10 Adapt on A-sarjan perusta ja runko, jota voi käyttää sellaisenaankin ohuena alumiinilompakkona. Se on yhteensopiva kaikkien A10-adapterien kanssa ja vaihto ja asentaminen ei vaadi työkaluja - ne liukuvat A10:n kiskomekanismia pitkin paikalleen.

A10 Adapt -lompakko on tehty koneistetusta 6061-luokan alumiinista ja anodisoitu huolellisesti. Lompakon molemmilla puolilla on Dangon kuuluisa quick release -mekanismi, joka pitää kortit turvassa ja helposti saatavana. Toisella puolella on paikka 4 kortille, joita suojaa irroitettava alumiininen RFID-levy. Ilman adapteria toisella puolella on vertikaalinen avoin paikka yhdelle kortille, missä voi käyttää esim. henkilö- tai matkakorttia ottamatta sitä pois.

  • DTEX Single Pocket -adapteri 3 kortin kapasiteetilla
  • Adapteri irroitettavissa ja vaihdettavissa
  • Ohut A10-alumiinirunko 4+1 kortin kapasiteetilla


  • Lisäominaisuudet
  • Mahtuu kortteja
  • Valmistusmaa
  • Materiaali
    6061-alumiini, DTEX
  • Koko
    104 × 68 × 15,5 mm
  • Paino
    85 g
Dango Products A10 Series

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Dango Products A10 Series

Dango A-sarja on modulaarinen lompakkojärjestelmä, missä A10 Adapt toimii runkona. Se on yhteensopiva kaikkien adaptereiden kanssa, jotka ovat saatavilla erikseen tai valmiina setteinä.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Amit (Hyvinkää, FI)
I love it

Lighter and more comfortable than I thought, solid grip of the cards as I hoped. Surprisingly comfortable as badge holder.

Paulo P. (Amarante, PT)
Great wallet! Although...

A few weeks of use. Great wallet, no dout. But I think I got a slightly used one.. There were marks of use, and one of the screws is a diferente colour from the rest. Still functional, but a bit disapointing I must say..

Zisis N. (Athens, GR)
A good product in general

This wallet is beautiful to look at and has very good build quality and materials but it's carry capacity is quite limited for example I can only fit 3 non flat cards in front compartment and sometimes coins get stuck between the cards or get out of the wallet without opening it. Also it's not the most practical one as it needs some time to get used to. In my opinion mostly a show of piece rather than an everyday carry

M (Swindon, GB)
Very Good

A departure for me in wallet style and as a small and robust alternative to a folding wallet this has so far been very good. Cards are held securely and not too hard to slide out when needed. It holds 5 bills folded twice inside, but there are not that easy to access.
The small size and great design look are the best parts.
It will be an alternative to, rather than a replacement for, my existing folding wallet.

Diego A. (Andorra la Vella, AD)
Excelente cartera

Una de las mejores carteras que he tenido, la calidad de sus acabados es de otro nivel. Perfecta para EDC

Claus A. (Ballerup Municipality, DK)
Less than impressed.

The build quality is good and it looks cool, but that's as far positives go.

It does come with a few issues:
The room between the sliding card holder is very slim and fairly small, you can't really fit more than a single folded bill in there.
Also, the sliding mechanism or retention on the same card holder is very weak, on mine it will simply glide off.
Ex. Throwing your wallet on the car seat is enough for it to detach and have you searching under the seat for your cards.
For the size it holds no more cards than a Ridge wallet.

This wallet scores high on cool, low on usability.

Diego B. (Campagna Lupia, IT)

I fell in love with this beautiful wallet from the first glance ... luckily I could buy it in this super cool shop! Thank you Mukama!!

Latexi (Kuopio, FI)
A10 Adapt Single Pocket lompakko

Loistava tuote, kompakti, jämäkkä, tarvittavat kortit pysyvät miehekkäästi mukana!

CARMAG (Lisbon, PT)
Close to perfection

Very good product the only improvement would be to have a little more room in between the A10 Wallet and the Single Pocket Adapter to accommodate up to 8mm deep objects, like keys with plastic handle.
Would also be nice to fix the looseness in the attachment between the A10 Wallet and the Single Pocket Adapter to eliminate the rattling noise when shaking the wallet.

Dango Products

Lompakot ja EDC-tuotteet

Dango Products valmistaa sulavalinjaisia lompakoita ja EDC-tarvikkeita, joissa on annos teollista suunnittelua. Käsin valmistus, CNC-koneistus, ruuvien käyttö ja laatumateriaalit varmistavat pitkä käyttöiän ja helpon huollon.

Olemme kaikkien edustamiemme merkkien valtuutettu myyjä ja takaamme jokaisen tuotteen aitouden.