FlatPak™ - Matkapullo

44,90 €
60 päivän
ilm. palautus

Kompakti matkapullo hygieniatuotteille

FlatPak™ on hygieniatuotteille suunniteltu matkapullo minimalistiseen ja ultrakevyeen matkustukseen. Se on 5 × kevyempi ja 3,5 × kompaktimpi* kuin perinteisen silikoniset matkustuskäyttöön tarkoitetut pullot. Pullo on valmistettu vedenkestävästä Cordura-kankaasta ja sen voi täyttää millä tahansa, kuten saippualla tai hammastahnalla.

  • TSA-hyväksytty
  • Suuri täyttöaukko
  • Vedenkestävä
  • Ripustuslenkki
  • Pitää nesteet sisällä
Ei tarkoitettu juotavalle nesteelle.

* 5 kertaa kevyempi ja 3,5 kertaa kompaktimpi verrattuna useimpiin perinteisiin 3 päivän matkustuskäyttöön tarkoitettuihin silikonipulloihin.


  • Materiaali
  • Takuu
    2 vuotta
  • Paino
    11,5 g
Matador FlatPak™ Series

Osa mallistoa:

Matador FlatPak™ Series

Kevyet ratkaisut saippuan, shampoon ja muiden hygieniatarvikkeiden pakkaamiseen.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Arnau C.R. (Barcelona, ES)


Vincent (Paris, FR)
not so satisfied

One of the 3 leaks, i noticed only once i travelled and i had soap all over my toiletry kit and my bag

Sorry for the trouble. Our customer service will be in touch!

Ian (Frankfurt am Main, DE)
Perfect for carry on

The quality of this product is top notch and it is the perfect size for a 5 day trip

Neven (Zagreb, HR)

Top product, quick shipping.

Alex (Innsbruck, AT)
great suff

Super small, durabel and happy with the liquid pouches!
Work well for around 3-5 days and until now never opened themselves in my toad bag

also: super fast delivery, awesome!

Not so sure about this

Good idea, but not so sure about the quality of this product. First, the hinges that hold the cap of this bottle already had the while look of use once the product was delivered. It definitely wasn't used, so it must be just from the fragility of the thing. Next sometime shampoo or shower gel would get into the depressed areas in the bottle cap and prevent it from completely closing. I have used it 4 times so far, and had one spill over accident, which is not good start at all.

Also, advertised capacity is 90ml, but it really isn't possible to fill it with more than 80 ml of product - not sure why nobody is talking about it.

A funny feature or a bug of this - depends on your view - is that it appears that it allows for vaporization of the product from the bag - I have noticed that product coming out of the bottle is more concentrated than when it comes from original bottle. Tried testing this theory in more controlled manner - it appears to be true - filled the bottle with 80 grams of OldSpice shower gel. Two weeks on, whole contents do weight 77 grams. Personally, think this is nice feature, lots of shower products can be more concentrated than they are coming originally.

Andreas C. (Athens, GR)
Update on FlatPak

I really wanted to like this product, but it leaks - a lot. I bought a 3-pack and twice the shampoo was completely emptied inside my Peak Design Wash Pouch. After having to thoroughly wash the Wash Pouch (something you are actively not supposed to do) in order to wash off the shampoo, the waterproof is completely gone and the fabric is damaged. It's not a question of closing the cap carefully - it was definitely closed. It's not just that I will not use the FlatPak anymore, I have a damaged Wash Pouch as well. No stars - not recommended.

Sorry for the troubles! Our customer support will be in touch to sort this out.

Andreas C. (Athens, GR)
Nice bottle alternative

Product looks solid. It does what is supposed to do and I'm happy with it. I like that it doesn't take a lot of space. Have only used it for a couple of weeks, but I'm liking it so far.

Julia (Stockholm, SE)
Very happy besides the leaking

The flatpaks are a great purchase, but you need to make sure the lid is closed. I don’t know if something is wrong with my flatpaks, but the lid is very hard to close and even if I’ve made absolutely sure it’s closed I’ve had it leak 3 times during one trip because the lid opens itself. That’s a bit of a disappointment considering I spent around 50 dollars on three of these little flatpaks.

Sorry for the troubles with the product. Our customer service will be in touch shortly.

Laura (Orimattila, FI)
Oikein toimiva

Leirillä mukana pesuainepullona. Nestemäinen saippua pysyi hyvin sisällä, ei sotkua ja oli kätevä käyttää.


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