Orbiter™ Original

79,90 €
Saatavuus: × Ei varastossa
60 päivän
ilm. palautus

The storage pouch (as seen in the video) is no longer included with the item. However it comes with two steel balls.

Orbiter on uniikki sormihyrrä (fidget spinner), joka tarjoaa koukuttavia hetkiä irti arjen rutiineista. Se on valmistettu 5-luokan titaanista ja neodyymimagneeteista. Hienovaraisella toistuvalla liikkeellä pallo kulkee sulavasti Orbiterin ympäri, auttaen sinua keskittymään ja vähentämään stressiä. Mitä enemmän sitä käytät, sitä monikäyttöisemmäksi se tulee. Orbiter painaa alle 50 grammaa joten voit säilyttää sitä laukussa tai taskussa, aina valmiina toimintaan.

  • Koneistettu titaanista
  • Mahtuu taskuun
  • Pakkauksessa kaksi palloa


  • Valmistusmaa
  • Materiaali
    Ti6Al4V / Grade 5 -titaani
  • Koko
    25,4 × 14,3 mm (pallo 15,9 mm)
  • Paino
    47 g

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
NOMAD (Maastricht, NL)
way better than expected!

I had a couple knockoffs from for a while and thought those were great so why spend so much more? But after seing how much fun i had with those and since i didn't lose them i thought why not! And man this one is way better. Way smoother. Made of titanium instead of some brass that is chromed.



bubblerobot (Zurich, CH)
nice feel

well crafted, very good quality.

the fidget is magnetic and has detachable metallic balls. both the fact that the ball (or balls) can drop is a bit annoying and the magnetic part as well since its fairly strong and sticks to every thing on your desk that is metallic :-) but playing with it is fun and has the effect a fidget should have

Matthew I. (Södertälje, SE)
Wouldn’t recommend it

The video made it seem as though it would be coming with a little black bag to hold it in which didn’t happen and as it’s so slick it feels liable to fall out of your pocket and separate without some kind of bag.

As well as the high possibility of lose the spinner makes quite a bit of noise that I wasn’t expecting making me unwilling to use it fully among others. Feels like you could get a cheaper fidget spinner which is more user friendly.

It does look good and came on time as part of a larger order so happy with Mukama not sure about this item.

Thank you for the feedback and apologies for the misleading detail in the video. The storage pouch is indeed no longer included with the item, but it comes with two balls instead of just one. We've now added this information on the product page as well. Our customer service will reach out to you.

Top toy with top service

Ultimate fidget toy
Original and authentic
Superior quality
Top customer service
and fast delivery
Recommender to everyone

Andrey (Helsinki, FI)
It looks strange but amazing

Very useful gadget

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