Due to a holiday, the next shipping date is Tuesday, Jan 25th

The design is based upon the characteristics of the material, with patterns designed to leave zero waste after cutting the individual parts. At the end of the bags’ lifecycles, their fabric is 100 % biodegradable, and their buckles and zippers can be recycled.

  • Qwstion

    Bananatex® Roll Pack

    390,00 €
  • Qwstion

    Bananatex® Zip Pack

    370,00 €
  • Qwstion

    Bananatex® Hip Pouch

    84,90 €
    × Out of stock


QWSTION sammanför den funktionella sportväskan och den eleganta modeväskan. Varje produkt erbjuder olika bäralternativ vilket resulterar i hybridprodukter som inte kan tilldelas den vanliga kategorin.