
Om du har några frågor är du välkommen att kontakta vår kundservice.

Kundservice på engelska 🇬🇧 och finska 🇫🇮

E-post adress

+358 40 652 5922
Mån-Fre 10-16 EET

Messaging services
WhatsApp • Instagram • Messenger

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a physical store?

We don't have a physical store, only online order with delivery is possible.

How can I modify or cancel my order?

If your order hasn't shipped yet, we might be able to modify your order. Please contact us soon as possible and we'll do our best.

How can I return products?

Please see the return policy and start the return process here.

I think my product has a defect. What to do?

You can submit a warranty claim here.

Do your products have a warranty?

We are an authorized seller of each brand and the manufacturer's warranty applies in all products we sell. If the warranty information is not available on the product page, please reach out to our customer service.

Do you offer discount for first time buyers or for newsletter subscription?

Simply put, we don't. We might come up with something for students and first response personnel - in these cases you can reach out to our customer service.

Company details

Mukama Oy
Mannerheiminaukio 1 A
00100 Helsinki
VAT: FI25437209

(Office address, don't send returns here)